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men do not need the same last name to be brothers.

what is freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity, rooted in the traditions of the gilded stonemasons of the Middle Ages, and follows a simple, philosophic system of morality. We are an organization of men from all walks of life and from every part of the world who desire self-improvement and to improve the world around them.

Why Freemasonry?

Each man’s desire to become a Freemason is as varied as our personal backgrounds. Some are looking for the social camaraderie of a brotherhood; others enjoy the charitable activities; and still others are drawn in by the ritual and esoteric nature of our fraternity.

Freemasonry doesn’t adhere to any one religion or political beliefs. It doesn’t care if your wealthy beyond your needs or struggling to find work. It harmoniously brings like-minded men together to enrich their lives; guide them to be better; and to be prepare them to aid our fellow man. We share a common bond of brotherhood and respect, and the shared experience of going through the same, centuries-old ceremonies that bind us as brothers. But a man’s own desires to become a Freemason, his experience, and the effort with which he allows our principals to guide his life will define what Freemasonry is to him.

What is a Lodge?

A lodge is a local group or chapter of Freemasons. The term “lodge” refers to both a group of men who make up the membership of that chapter and the building or room in which they meet.

What are Degrees?

Degrees are what we call the ceremonies that advance each man from a Candidate to an Entered Apprentice to a Master Mason and are based on the way gilded masons identified themselves among each other at the building of King Solomon’s temple. Each degree represents a step along a man’s Masonic journey and life, from youth, to manhood, and eventually old age and death.

After each degree ceremony, the candidate—or member going through that degree—will be required to learn and recite a proficiency on that degree with the help of a degree coach before going through the next degree. This proficiency ensures that he understands what he’s just experienced and is prepared to continue his journey to light with the next degree.