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we are much more about lending a helping hand than a secret handshake.

Becoming A Mason

Below are some common questions that apply to Masonic membership in the State of New Mexico.

What are the requirements for becoming a Mason?

A candidate must be male, at least 18 years of age, professes a belief in a Supreme Being, and is of good character.

In New Mexico, no lodge, without the permission of the Grand Master, shall receive a petition of a candidate for the degrees until he has resided in this state for at least 6 months.

I have a physical disability. Can I be a Mason?

The answer is yes, provided that you can attend Lodge and meet the non-physical requirements listed above. The lodge that you ultimately join will work to accommodate your needs.

Can minorities be Masons?

Any person who meets the requirements listed in question (1) of this section is eligible, regardless of race, color or creed.

Do I have to be invited?

If you have an interest in joining Freemasonry, all you need to do is ask to become a Mason. That starts by expressing your interest to someone you know to be a Mason, contacting a lodge near you, or by contacting our Grand Lodge office who will have someone reach out to you.

Can atheists be a Mason?

The only religious requirement is that candidates believe in a Supreme Being. If you can in good faith profess such a belief, regardless of your religious affiliation, then you are eligible to be a Mason. Therefore, an atheist cannot knowingly be a Mason.


As you have expressed the desire to become a Freemason, we ask you to consider the following information which may affect your decision:

Freemasonry, or simply Masonry, is not a religion, but no atheist can be a Freemason. We have at our foundation a belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, and we strive to teach a man the duty he owes to God, to his neighbor, and to himself. Men of many faiths meet together as Masons in a spirit of mutual respect and tolerance. Although the Holy Bible is open during every New Mexico Lodge meeting, Lodges have the flexibility to add other Sacred Books which reflect the membership of the Lodge. Questions on this subject should be addressed to a knowledgeable member of the Lodge.

Masonry is not a political organization, but loyalty to one’s country is considered an essential qualification for membership, along with cheerful obedience to lawful authority. Beyond that, religion and politics are not discussed in the Lodge.

Masonry is not a benefit society and does not offer insurance. Those who join our organization for personal financial gain will be disappointed.

Masonry has always required men to come to its doors of their own free will, prompted by a favorable opinion of the fraternity and its members. Those who come desiring to make their lives better will find much of value.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Believe in a Supreme Being or Deity.
  • Be able to speak, read and write the English language.
  • Be of good moral character.
  • Have legitimate means of support for yourself and family.
  • Be a New Mexico resident for six consecutive months, immediately preceding the date of the petition. (An exception may be available for active duty military residing in New Mexico.)
  • Be willing to submit to a thorough background investigation.
  • Be recommended by two New Mexico Master Masons, one from this Lodge.

There are three degrees; Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. After each degree you will be assigned to meet regularly with a coach to learn a required proficiency lecture. A considerable amount of time is required during the degree and proficiency process. The goal is to assist you become a knowledgeable member of the fraternity.

Membership will entail certain financial obligations which you should be able to fulfill without detriment to yourself or family. In addition to a fee for the degrees and annual dues, you may from time to time be asked to support the charitable work of the Lodge. The fees and dues are set by each Lodge and are occasionally changed. The current fee for the degrees for this Lodge is $200.00 ($207.00 if paying by credit card) and annual membership dues are $155.00 ($160.00 if paying by credit card).

After you submit a completed petition with the fee for the degrees, a background check will be initiated. At the next business meeting, the Lodge will assign a committee to visit with you and your family, complete the investigation and make a recommendation to the Lodge. You will be notified of the result, and if accepted, the Entered Apprentice (initiatory) degree will be scheduled.

You may withdraw your petition before you are accepted. Should you withdraw or be rejected, the unexpended portion of your entrance fee is reimbursable.